יום שני, 26 במאי 2008

הרצאה: Computational Mechanics and the Finite Element Method

פרופ' דן גבעולי

Place: Amado 233

Time: Wedensday, May 28, 2008, 16:30

Abstract: Computational Mechanics (CM) is the field that is concerned with the approximate (yet accurate) solution of complicated continuum-mechanics problems arising in physics and engineering.
The Finite Element Method (FEM) is arguably the most powerful CM method available today. It can help us solve problems from diverse areas such as crack propagation in structures, concert-hall acoustics, air flow around an aircraft and weather prediction. To present FEM, we shall start with the notion of functionals and variational (minimum) principles, and will give some known results from the calculus of variations. Then we will show how FEM works. We will also discuss in this context the notion of sparse matrices and why they are so central in FEM. Finally we will show examples of FEM applications, including some impressive computer animations.

The lecture will be in Hebrew.

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