יום שישי, 27 בנובמבר 2009

Drag Estimation for Conceptual Design

אוהד גור

Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Air vehicle performance is used frequently as a design goal during conceptual design, thus accurate drag estimation is critical in these design studies. Drag of various configurations may be calculated thousands of times during computational conceptual design which is done using Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) frameworks. This makes Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) inadequate for these processes. During the seminar, subsonic and transonic configurations drag estimation will be presented and validated. The presentation will include the parametric geometry definition, followed by the drag model description. The drag model includes: induced, friction, wave, and interference drag components. The model is compared with test results of subsonic and transonic isolated wings, and a wing body configuration that was used previously in drag prediction workshops. The results of the drag model demonstrate good agreement with wind tunnel test results while requiring very low computer resources. Recently several design teams of undergraduate students that participated in AIAA Undergraduate Team Aircraft Design Competition, used this model. Some of their conceptual designs and drag calculations will be presented.

ההרצאה תתקיים ביום רביעי י"ג בטבת תש"ע (30.12.09)
שעה 16:30
בנין אוירונוטיקה חדר 241
כבוד קל יוגש לפני ההרצאה

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