Meir Pachter
Air Force Institute of TechnologyAFIT/ENG
Wright-Patterson A.F.B., OH 45433, USA
Information - who knows what, when - plays a critical role in game theory, and, in particular, in dynamic games. Thus, dynamic game theory is an ideal vehicle for exploring the interplay of dynamics and information. We confine our attention to discrete-time Linear-Quadratic Dynamic Games (LQDGs) which have the distinct advantage of readily being amenable to analysis without having to overcome conceptual and echnical difficulties, closed-form results are possible, and one is in tune with modern digital signal processing techniques. In this article a hierarchy of discrete-time LQDGs characterized by a sequence of information patterns which increase in complexity is analyzed and insight into the Dynamics of Information Systems is obtained.
ההרצאה תתקיים ביום שני 14.06.10
שעה 13:30
בנין אוירונוטיקה חדר 241
כבוד קל יוגש לפני ההרצאה
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